re: Grs revision
@cassi <333
re: Grs revision
@cassi I realize this is a dumb question. Inquiring minds, and all that.
re: Grs revision
@cassi huh! Can you do a crunch to shut it off?
@emanate I dig this phone, yeah ^^ Has a v. good camera.
re: Grs revision
@cassi Is that like a surgically implanted one?
re: Drugs (+)
@Azure Holy moly, I forgot about Face @.@
@Heffboom_Konijn nah, just phone ^^
@xurnami Right? *schemeypaws*
re: Lewd, pot
@mattfox yeah, fair! These look like maybe before-sex things too, now that I look. There's an 'intimate oil' and a spray you're supposed to...I dunno, spray on your genitals, or maybe a toy?
re: Lewd, pic
@CoronaCoreanici H-HEY
Recovering techie with an MFA in creative writing at Cornell College, working on like a kajillion writing projects at once.
Trans/nb, queer, polyam, median, constantly overwhelmed.