PSA on the Equifax breach:
You can enter most anything into their "check if I've been breached" thing and it will say you've been breached.
The whole site they set up is just a scam to force people into signing up for their "identity protection service." You get a year free but you better believe they'll start charging you for it after that, and the opt-out process is never easy.
Don't buy into it. Just keep an eye on your credit report and credit/bank account statements.
@ThatDamnCat They claim the site was broken earlier today and that folks got inaccurate results, too:
If you've ever used any online service Equifax provides, I'd just assume you were breached if I were you.
@ThatDamnCat Equifax's services are very useful if you want to spread your identity around to others
@mawr @ThatDamnCat but not in the fun way, of course.
breach me
@ThatDamnCat @mawr >:3
I've never used their services.
It's important to know how "services" are useful or not