@grime_witch This is quite possibly the most wint thing I've seen on mastodon to date
@Zordrak WAIT I was thinking of a different one! Vivaldi was the one I was trying to remember!!
Thank you!! :D
@Zordrak My performance issues have been with a good ad blocker installed, and most ad serving domains blocked at my hosts file. D:
Vivaldi would be lovely if it had an OS X client. >..<
basically i think all of my preferences, opinions, etc to do with programming are because i don't actually like programming. i like MAKING THINGS, and a lot of the things i want to make involve programming. but the actual thing itself is just a means to an end. i dont care about using a closure or a lambda or whatever. i just want to tell a computer to make things happen. destroy the nerd's. theyre making us do shit which isnt necessary. destroy them!!!! DESTROY THEM
@Oneironott ✨✨PLUSH✨✨!!
@Mycroft Aaaaaaaa!!!!! :D :D :D :D *hugs!!!*
@AdalwinAmillion *hugs* ^^
@AnubysIshtar Welcome! :D
@vahnj I had a feeling you would appreciate it. :D
@indi I could totally see myself being buffplush :D
@indi AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!
sof take
@Oneironott I'm bummed I didn't get a chance to meet you in person -- but I'm sure we'll get a chance soon ^^
Some folks on birdsite are tagging our project account in tweets like "hey jack twitter should copy this thing mastodon does". The idea that this is merely about features is short-sighted. Twitter will never, ever, ever be your friend. They are the shareholders' friend, not yours. No feature will let you see what their engineers are working on, what's under the hood. No feature will fix their headquarters in the US following and enforcing US laws and customs worldwide.
Dragony plush thing! Friendly, non-binary, anarcho-syndicalist, ace.
Check out @mawr for my public account.