I have two days to decide whether a 40% raise is worth giving up my comfortable corporate job with a ten minute commute and coworkers I already know I like. Part of me wishes I hadn’t gotten the offer 😓
@thingywott that’s a good angle to look at it from! I certainly wouldn’t take that kind of a pay cut for the job I’m at now. And new job allows telecommuting at least 3/5 days/week.
@noctilucent ooh, that's not shabby at all!
i telecommute most of the time, and it's basically great! the hardest part is self-control, but if you use things like the pomodoro technique, or keep a kanban with the promise that you won't over-complicate it, you can often be extremely productive, and feel nicer overall about it
@noctilucent wow, that's a pretty substantial raise!
if it's as tech-related as i'm assuming it is, maybe you can see what their policy on telecommuting is? because managing to nab that eventually would possibly mitigate both of your worries
if not, another way to consider it is: how much would you be willing to pay to stay in your current situation? 40% of your wage?
it's tricky to judge how much your current situation is worth to you, but reframing can help fear not effect the end result..!