coolest iPods:
- the one that's just a small square touchscreen
- the one that doesn't have any buttons
- the nano with a video camera
@masklayer oooh, didn't know about that one
@noiob looking back it was basically a flash drive with some buttons, but it was well designed and the ergonomics were good and you didn't need a cable
@masklayer a bunch of mp3 players back in the day had that built-in USB, it was a smart design choice, but it also reminds me of the recessed USB ports on my first computer that I couldn't plug anything wider than a cable into
@noiob honorable mention for the last gen iPod Classic
@tom still wanna mod one to have a ton of flash storage
@noiob I kinda love and hate them bc they're not softmoddable at all but they're still really good music players...
@noiob and also probably the peak of iPod design
@MochiWaifu @noiob nah nothing beats the big chunky clickwheel
the nano was good but not better than that
@noiob i want to give a shout out to the ipod flea though, the parody ipo that was just big enough for a headphones jack
@noiob the first gen shuffle that had a usb plug on it was also cool imho