ooooh, Resident Evil 4 for the Switch will get motion aim patched in

time to buy RE4 for the first time lol

I hope they add it, would be weird to have it on anything but 4

@noiob capcom stays absolutely losing when it comes to switch

@MochiWaifu all the ports are so half-baked, too? like not even Rev 1 hits a solid 60 (I mean holy shit it's a 3DS game) and REmake and Zero both have super long load times on doors

@MochiWaifu and then they sell them for thirty Euros apiece

@noiob yeah, it's a mess
i mean, even re5 and 6 run worse than on 360 apparently

but the worst part is imo the pricing, it's so rude...

@MochiWaifu yeah

I mean it's no big loss on 6 but we tried the 5 demo in co-op and it was such a pain, definitely not paying that much

@noiob It's a shame, I have some good memories playing 5 in coop on xbox :c

@MochiWaifu I played the entire thing on PC online and it was a really good time

@MochiWaifu if you haven't played it, Revelations 2 has really great local co-op (but the PC version is the only one that has decent performance)

@noiob I haven't, haven't played the first one either ;;
But i'll keep it in mind :3

@MochiWaifu the first one is decent, pretty cool for a 3DS game but they really stepped up their game with the second one

@MochiWaifu idk sometimes they make brilliant stuff and then they fuck up other things spectacularly… like the new Project Resistance crap? People were like "it's either Outbreak 3 or RE3make" and then it was neither and looks really boring so far

@noiob yeah capcom is SO weird

because, on one hand all the ports and switch business is funky, and they keep trying to make weird RE mp spinoffs

but they also released REmake 2, DMC5, MH World....

@MochiWaifu RE7 was brilliant too (didn't play it because I couldn't even get through the demo, but I watched a friend play)

@noiob never played it because i figured it was gonna be too spooky ;;

@MochiWaifu yeah

haven't even finished the B scenario of RE2make because hoo boy that game is stressful for me

@noiob :D
i haven't even finished my first playthrough of that ;;
i ran out of ammo somewhere and also, i think i'm close to a part where Mr. X appears for the first time and ah, i don't wanna

@MochiWaifu on PC you can replace him with the Goose Game goose

okay that's worse

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