OpenRGB appreciation post
if you have LEDs on your computer this is the software to get to wrangle them all. It's a bit more involved than commercial RGB software (well-documented though, and it supports a ton of devices) but it only does what it's supposed to, plus it exposes an API!
@ChlorideCull v0.6 seems to have stabilized it a lot for me, and it supports my mainboard now (don't have anything plugged into the mb headers so I haven't tried it yet)
@ChlorideCull oh god I just run it on boot to set my LEDs to the trans flag
@noiob i want to run it on boot to set my LEDs to a solid teal
the issue is because my RAM defaults to "rainbow flashy mode" *and* shows up a bit later after boot, I need to handle controllers showing up later
@ChlorideCull my RAM does that too, but it seems to be there when I need it. I run GSkill TridentZ Neo fwiw
@noiob these ballistix are wonky
@noiob It's stuff like "colors are different in direct mode compared to static mode" and "you need to swap modes if it swaps modes on its own"