Okay, what the hell is going on with this map attribution

@joepie91 that's funny, when I zoom into the same spot in gMaps it doesn't attribute it to anything, just says a year

@noiob Yeah, this seems specific to 9292's integration of Google Maps in that specific part of the app, but... why? How??


@joepie91 pretty sure Google Maps can't use OSM data because of their license, my money's on that particular map widget not handling the missing attribution well and falling back to its default

@noiob Thing is, I think this is literally Google's own widget

Someone else suggested that maybe their *routing* is using OSM, but that still leaves the question of "how did you get OSM attribution into a Google map widget"

@noiob Hmm true, I suppose that works fine if the widget itself doesn't put anything there. For some reason I recall there being a 'native' attribution in that corner in Google's widget, not sure if I'm misremembering

@joepie91 doesn't look like it, from a quick check around my installed apps

still, that's a wild way to attribute sth

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