Awoospace is patched against the new Mastodon security issues. Huge thanks to the glitch-soc maintainer @Claire! :janiawoo:

@Claire @noiob i can't make any promises but i'll try to only die as a result of an easily-interruptable chain of events that's less than four minutes long


@monorail @Claire is this a reference to a game or sth

@Claire @monorail you had me seriously scrambling there for a moment

@noiob @Claire yeah, my avatar is an edited picture of lynne from ghost trick, a game where you travel back in time 4 minutes before people's deaths and try to prevent them using just minor poltergeist-level shit (turning on a blender, flapping a flag around, etc)

@monorail @Claire sounds dope they should remake it for modern systems

@monorail @noiob @Claire I'm gonna read those favs as "yes Ren you should be playing it RIGHT NOW WHY AREN'T YOU"

... Because I have no internet at the moment so can't download it onto anything. ._.;;

@Nine @monorail @Claire I mean I haven't played it but the toot you're replying to is a way better pitch than any of the trailers I've seen

@noiob @Nine @Claire i honestly think that the story is incredibly well crafted and ends up being the best part but obviously i'm not going to tell you the story of the game to try to get you to play it :p

but the actual gameplay/puzzle solving is weirdly not really talked about which is a shame because it's also really cool

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