@daughterofrao don't breathe that please
@noiob what?
isn't like I'm already printing in my bed room... and have all that stuff in the air...
@daughterofrao no but seriously even PLA offgases a bunch of nasty stuff and y'know, the microplastics
@daughterofrao printing as cold as possible helps but idk, you're heating up thermoplastics, you should be aware of the dangers
@daughterofrao also a minute of fresh air every now and then makes a huge difference
@daughterofrao (I measure CO2, VOC and PM2.5 in my room and it's wild how quickly they all go down when I let in some fresh air)
@noiob we only meassure temperature and well... not liking that fall when venting room
@daughterofrao yeah but clean, fresh air is good for you
@noiob well... for me, warm air is more important than fresh/clean air...
if it would really concern me, I could just wear a respirator in my room...
@daughterofrao unless your respirators have activated charcoal they're only catching particulates. and too much co2 really affects your brain
@noiob well.. they got A2P3 filters... good enough to filter the exhaust of shitty people at trainstations, fumes from paint... or really anything that smells tbh... never smelled anything while wearing it
afaik brain has co2 sensor and alerts me if really too much..
@noiob well... give me an alternative! like one that works for us... so nothing like buying things... nothing that cools the room down or makes even more noises.