@tom sounds like a good list
@noiob after nier comes the hd remaster of FFXII and then... FFXV? I have so many long games to catch up on
@tom I have a savegame of Persona 3 Portable that I come back to every now and then, but that's not a game I can marathon. I guess I'll finally properly dive into Silent Hill next… I'm like an hour from the end of disc 1 in MGS1, but that's a game I'm playing with two friends, in passing-around-the-controller-co-op
@tom I'm quite bad at finishing games
@noiob saaaaaame
@noiob a running joke in my friend group is that I've never finished FFX and I won't ever do it
@noiob Yea but... due to all that buzz I already spoiled myself with the whole story so does it even still make sense? I think I kinda messed that up for myself.
@natanji Still a great game… and are you sure you know the entire story already? You have to see at least three endings until you're done with a playthrough
@noiob Yeah, it was a "all the endings explained + discussion" video :P Even covered the obscure ones
@natanji :/
I mean I'd probably still recommend the game, it's that good
@noiob that's up next on my list, rn I'm playing persona 5 though