parent / leaving
my main concern is that like i'll leave and be super financially unstable or unhappy in some way. but i think even if that happens neither are "proof" that i should have tried to tolerate being suffocated through college and getting a masters. because living with them controlling most aspects of my life is hurting me
it feels like all of the burden is on me to try and repair our relationship even though they're the ones that ruined it. and if i try to leave they're going to reassert that. i think it's about working myself up to be confident enough that i'm doing whats best for me
@dragon like you're.. right in that they want me to process for them. one is frustrated because i won't Tell Her Things but treats anything i say about myself as too ridiculous or confusing to respect. none of this is very hard to conceptualize at all but they're............................. entitled
@dragon yeah. they keep bringing up stuff that they've done as like, proof that they're fine actually. a lot of it's stuff that i straight up did not ask them to do, like my mom went to a counselor to try and "work through it" and the therapy we are doing right now was also completely their idea. (supposedly it was to "help me process" but it's mostly the therapist mediating) me being trans places stress on them, yadda yadda
i dont want it to be like. ok great job making our relationship ok again :) now that you're done being a whiny idiot brat :) im gonna die
maybe somehow i can kind of mend my relationship with my parents but i also don't want to because. it'll fucking all be me. my mother currently refuses to apologize for being a giant baby about me being transgender which like. is easy as hell. it's easy as hell to just say "nice my son i'll support you when you come out to other members of our family and people at school"
@hungeeboy sorry if this is like really overbearing i just wanted to make sure you heard this from someone
@hungeeboy i think that youre fine. you are normal about stuff that isnt fucked up. people make out criticism to be unreasonable to try and defang their detractors but it doesnt mean that youre suddenly off base or being insufferable
like yeah i'll do that and then i'll never hear the end of her complaining and telling me that i'm wrong and being unfair. like she reacts that way at even the TINIEST stuff, i can't tell her that basically every parenting decision she ever made was fucked up and now i have ptsd. i mean i can do that but not while i'm still fucking dependent on her
i have stupid bitch disorder
this is basically a vent account, i try to set my posts as followers only so if shit somehow shows up in your feed my apologies