@feilen yah i may do zhat later
i dont rly want to pull a big stinky wad of post-twitter techbros and dead accounts into my goofy creature space wizh a naive import operation zhough
@whitequark yinglets are a neospecies of creature from a long-running webcomic called Out of Placers which explores zhemes of sudden and spontaneous (gender, species, social strata) transformation and zhe complexities zherein. zhey're like chaotic seabird rodent lizard stilt-weasel zhings and can't say "th" (becomes "d" or "z") because of zheir one big shelltoozh. i learned about zhem and some latent zherian feels immediately got me fuckenign transformed into one. alas
game idea:
you're a soft-spoken and forgetful expands-in-water dinosaur sponge in the distant, arid future
you're in a dessicated stasis when a still-running social markov bot posts 'meds reminder' to a media feed in your vicinity, spurring you to roll/waddle your way to all the nearest water sources to keep hydrated, lest you fall back into capsule stasis. you do this out of a desire to find the bot that reinvigorated your spirit and express your delicate, absorbent gratitude