@DialMforMara @brassmerino Please do bring them! I have some leftovers from the last one, but, uh, they kind of got bent in my backpack.
@reasdoinaheckinmeetup fair enough! this month is gonna be at the Raygun, right
@reasdoinaheckinmeetup @kaizoku @lifning @sev @cryptosphinx @aji @fluffy @cybermeow @Ulfra_Wolfe @Skirmisher @venko @dragonluvr89 @hellojed @thefishcrow @DialMforMara @brassmerino @green @memnus @kara @djsundog @witchfynder_finder @unascribed @anthracite @nolan @chr @awoofriend @iliana oof, got other plans. some other time!
@reasdoinaheckinmeetup @kaizoku @lifning @sev @cryptosphinx @aji @fluffy @Ulfra_Wolfe @irisjaycomics @Skirmisher @venko @dragonluvr89 @hellojed @thefishcrow @DialMforMara @brassmerino @green @memnus @kara @djsundog @witchfynder_finder @unascribed @anthracite @nolan @chr @awoofriend @iliana
W00t! what place?
@brassmerino @DialMforMara Uhhh crap, that was decided for us last time because it was a work day. Let's say "around 6PM" again? Actually yeah, let's do that, since there will be MtG in the game store earlier in the day.
@irisjaycomics Yup! And probably a few months for the forseeable future. It seems to work for everybody, but better alternatives are always welcome.
@irisjaycomics Sorry! >//< There were a few unavailable on all the nights, so someone was going to have to get left out. Next round, though!
@cybermeow The Raygun Lounge, in capitol hill! There's a maps link in this profile, I believe.
It is decided! Taking the nights when most people are available, filtering out nights when the Raygun has something else going on, then sorting by earliest: Saturday, February 10th! See you there, if you can come!
@kaizoku @lifning@cybre.space @sev@witches.town @cryptosphinx@cybre.space @aji @fluffy @cybermeow @Ulfra_Wolfe@witches.town @irisjaycomics @Skirmisher @venko @dragonluvr89 @hellojed@mastodon.social @thefishcrow@cybre.space @DialMforMara @brassmerino @green @memnus @kara@occult.camp @djsundog @witchfynder_finder @unascribed@cybre.space @anthracite @nolan @chr@cybre.space @awoofriend @iliana@witches.town
@fluffy http://whenisgood.net/k8cdzme - I'm proposing again a Friday/weekend!
Hey @iliana@witches.town , you might be interested in coming to this. Another Seattle meetup is happening! ^^
(thank @Skirmisher for reminding me, I totally just copy-pasted the list of names from the last round without remembering things)
@thefishcrow@cybre.space You should vote! http://whenisgood.net/k8cdzme
@cybermeow Hey, good idea. http://whenisgood.net/k8cdzme
@DialMforMara The Raygun again, I think. Neither bar nor cat cafe, but food and drinks are available.
Let's do another one of these! @awoofriend @chr@cybre.space @nolan @anthracite @unascribed@cybre.space @witchfynder_finder @djsundog @kara@occult.camp @memnus @green @brassmerino @DialMforMara @thefishcrow@cybre.space @hellojed@mastodon.social @dragonluvr89 @venko @Skirmisher @irisjaycomics @Ulfra_Wolfe@witches.town @cybermeow @fluffy @aji @cryptosphinx@cybre.space @sev@witches.town @lifning@cybre.space @kaizoku
January 11th!
6PM at the Raygun Lounge, 501 E Pine St, Seattle, WA 98122.