@spiderrobotpig here's a real quick way to find a distinct list of instances you need to whitelist based on all the sites people are following:

1. sudo into the mastodon user
2. as the mastodon user, run "psql mastodon_production"
2. run this query:

select distinct followed.domain from accounts local
join follows
on local.id
join accounts followed
on follows.target_account_id = followed.id
where local.domain is null

@spiderrobotpig uh ok follows dont seem to be pulling properly????? that's kinda frigging weird

@vahnj KK, I will not goof with anything so I don't mess you up

@spiderrobotpig you wouldn't mess anything up. also it was pebkac, i was on kobold.space so my list was much smaller lmao

here's the query:

select distinct followed.domain from accounts local
join follows
on local.id = follows.account_id
join accounts followed
on follows.target_account_id = followed.id
where local.domain is null

@spiderrobotpig this will get you a distinct list of follows from local users. this won't be everyone who follows you though, which i can give you a query for that if you like

Nah, what you said sounds good?

If I need more, I'll figure that out haha

@vahnj Oh I don't have postgres apparently

I guess I'm using mysql?

@spiderrobotpig it doesn't change anything, it gets you a list of sites that you can use to whitelist

@vahnj Yeah but I didn't get a list.

Gonna try again real quick

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