@starkatt Aaaah which book are you on.
@indi Four Roads Cross :)
@indi You might have heard this already but the protagonist of Full Fathom Five is a trans woman that's actually rather well written imo. It also goes in some interesting directions about what priesthood means.
@indi Yeah, that one scene in that section especially was really hard. I imagine it's even harder for someone as animist as you are.
@indi The visual of the starlight piercing the water _really_ stuck with me.
@starkatt I mean, especially as someone who grew up in the Desert Southwest, visiting (and sometimes living in places sustained by) those canyon reservoirs, hearing about what places like Hetch Hetchy and Glen Canyon used to be like...
@starkatt Yeah, I'm looking forward to it, I'm just having to space them out. With my spirituality, these are rough reading sometimes. The whole Seven Leaf Lake segment of Two Serpents was REALLY harrowing for me, especially all you find out about the place when they're staying there after the fight.