@ticky I am so sorry
@ThatDamnCat nope, just SF. I'm trans and quite frankly scared of Texas at this point, so, I doubt I'll ever visit. deliberately didn't submit a paper to OSCON because it's in Austin this year, either :/
the horrors that lie inbetween the carpet fibres
no wonder I've been coughing my lungs out
@ticky I went to look up how fast it is these days and apparently Bluetooth 3 had high-speed which was just... 802.11?! like they just keyed a wifi connection over Bluetooth and went yeah there's some high speed
but it looks like bt4+ is like 25Mbit so I guess that's what your headphones use
Never forget the best character in the history of SHMUPs, Spanky the Dolphin.
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@Freylet it tastes way worse. not chalky like bad au chocolate, but it is very, very sweet. i had 72% cocoa chocolate there that tasted as sweet as .au dairy milk, ffs
@Freylet I am not sure I want to try timtams after the US food treatment though. ughghghgh US chocolate is the worst
@Freylet they are now made for the US market, it's really strange to see imperial measurements on the packet
i guess there's enough australians in california now to make it worth selling them :P
@Freylet T I M T A M S L A M
yeah, i brought a packet of timtams to the US just to show my coworkers this national tradition
basically, everything candylike in the US is so sweet. sickly, oversweetened. I am so glad to have tim tams and australian chocolate back.
Software bird. Likes tea. NSFW, if you work at IBM. she/her.
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