cannabis, call for furry artists 

are you a furry artist?
do you want to draw and design cover art for my home-bred strains of cannabis?

I'd like to talk to you. 💜

(folx who are part of communities historically maligned because of cannabis illegalization to the front! feel free to contact me anyways if you're not 💜)

FYI for scope I'll probably never end up distributing packages commercially but I will be using it to label my home grown batches when I bag it up!

This is very much a paid engagement.

And on top of that, if you're Seattle area I'll happily gift you as much as you want :)

cannabis, call for furry artists 

@tastymochafox hm? like furries and plants? sounds cool

cannabis, call for furry artists 

@Efi Depending on the strain, yeah basically! I'd provide a strain name and a general mood and maybe a particular species request for some, and leave the rest up to the folx making them.

cannabis, call for furry artists 

@tastymochafox maybe I can do some, give me an ecample and I'll send it tomorrow
it's 1AM here

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