
(it's just hard for me to vent anywhere else bc there are people monitoring my discord/tumblr and keeping tabs on me but never actually talking to me)

@PaulFerence i can’t afford a therapist, and the one free one i went to was very condescending

@tenta I have some time and spoons to burn. Give me the criteria you're looking for, and I can send you back a list of appropriate contacts.

@tenta What city are you in? Is online okay? Do you know the kind of therapy you're looking for? What issues are you trying to address?

@PaulFerence san antonio. sure. no. don't know. pretty much all my issues are caused by money + prior abuse


The U of T at SA has free counseling:

And this one is open to women between 13 - 30 who've experienced sexual abuse, or general abuse as a child:

Also, and I'd look into this one first, there is free financial counseling provided by the city, and they might be able to help you find more therapist options:

@PaulFerence i appreciate it, though most of the other issue is that i don't think therapy will actually help me lol i really need medication and therapists can't give me that

@tenta Start with the financial counselor, they may be able to point you to someone who can. :)

@PaulFerence i don't think they can actually, nothing on their website seems to point in that direction. it all looks to be money management, which isn't something i need

@tenta I'm basing my suspicion that they can off of the "Other services based on your needs" point along with them being supported by the Family Services Association.

@tenta Okay, next, the UTSA. And even if they can't provide the exact service you are looking for, they may be able to point you in the direction where you can find that.

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