something i've been doing recently is really trying to pay attention to things i take for granted

turns out a lot of extremely mundane things are actually incredible, but my brain just backgrounds them; ignoring how mind-bogglingly satisfying they are because of how "expected" they've come to be

i've literally robbed myself of this appreciation for so long that i forgot it existed--things that, if you you mentioned them to others they'd probably roll their eyes because they're doing the same

like, if i'm in the shower and i turn up the temperature just sliiightly more than warm, everyone seems to acknowledge that feels nice, right? but it's actually amazing how much that appreciation changes if i actually pay attention to it, and not just casually disassociate the entire time

or like, having a sip of coffee! i don't know the last time i really paid any actual attention to that entire experience. it's just become a "thing that i do" while some tiny part of my subconscious brain acknowledges that "cofe gud"

i know this is literally just mindfulness, but it turns out for me, that extends far beyond just the circumstantial ways that i've always assumed to which it only applies

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