thought before bed: i have several older android devices from either myself or given by other people that still work mostly fine enough to do allot of things (music, vnc, ssh, webcam, etc), most cannot run termux due to os version, i'd like to have someway to write lightweight programs / enviroments to make them useful but i hate android studio to my core. essentialy im wondering, how hard is it really to spit davlik byte code and doge gur sdk 100% ????

@bx not quite the same thing, but it might be possible to grab an old tasker version and interact with the java objects in your system, or write js for more complex things too!

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@bx yeah! it's a pretty nifty app that pretty much lets you program android things, and trigger those things either manually, or under certain conditions you set up

i use it and termux together on the reg, but before i knew about termux, this is what i'd do most of my stuff in, and the website has old versions, going all the way back to ones usable on android cupcake

@thingywott yooo, this seems cool, might try this out on my regular phone (seems to be closed source tho?).
i think a from scratch assembler for dex files would still be worth while for breaking from gur officiall sdk's size and issues, i could see it being possible to have gur dex assembler for writing small bits of java code and then a native extention for each cpu arch to give you some kind of forth with special words for accessing gur JNI easily

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