helo i am typh
@EeveeEuphoria wow! me too
@typhlosion @EeveeEuphoria same...
@typhlosion henlo
@typhlosion 250 typh I am glad to meet you, sundog ready.
@djsundog 250? that's not a response code i'm familiar with
@typhlosion SMTP 250 is "Requested mail action okay, completed" (I should have used 220, "Service ready" but I forgot which was which and guessed, poorly)
@djsundog ahhh i see
@typhlosion helo always sends me into smtp mode mentally
@djsundog (looks it up) ohhhh
@typhlosion the days when network protocols could easily be troubleshot by telnetting to the proper port and knowing the protocol lingo were very effective at rewriting certain mental pathways lol
@typhlosion hi typh im kitty
@DarkWitchClaire wow! you're kitty!
@DarkWitchClaire yer cute
@typhlosion aaaa so are you~
@DarkWitchClaire what!!!! /)w(\
@typhlosion Wow!! I think that's pretty cool
@typhlosion Hi warm cutie! <3
@typhlosion helo, typh, you are still very good
@typhlosion helo i am gay