request for help with networking sorcery (a bit long)
let's see if i can explain this in a way that makes sense and doesn't make me sound silly
i want to set up network file access for my home's local network, so i can access files from various devices without having to manually copy them over. every potential client i have is perfectly fine with SMB 3.0... except for one (a playstation 2 with some homebrew software), which only accepts SMB 1.0 for whatever reason. i don't want to enable a deprecated file sharing protocol for the entire network, so i'd like to limit it to as close to the troublesome client as i can.
is it possible to set up some kind of "relay," like in the diagram, that presents a network share or a subset of it to the ps2 via SMB 1.0 while the rest of the network can use newer protocols?
re: request for help with networking sorcery (a bit long)
@Gulfie that's what i was thinking, yeah. probably the main network over wifi and then it's just plugged straight into the ps2 with an ethernet cable... well, maybe that would make it harder to connect the ps2 to the wider internet for online functionality... hmm.
re: request for help with networking sorcery (a bit long)
@typhlosion maybe you could firewall the SMB1 server's network card to only talk to the PS2's IP and then have everything on the same network but idk how bad the SMB1 protocol's security holes are it might still be bad