describe the game you're playing right now badly. i'll start: hack writer repeatedly falls down cliffs, loses his gun
Guess attempt
@deejvalen @typhlosion This is the only level?
@Ronflaix nope
In Stars and Time (or its prologue, Start Again)
@deejvalen Ah, welp, I tried.
a cute fungal grows
@typhlosion Music, the patch stirs up the meta. Squids are there.
@typhlosion alan is awake 2
re: guess
@deejvalen the first one actually. i hadnt played it before. it's not my favorite
re: guess
@typhlosion yeah having watched people play it
oof it has rough spots
@typhlosion Number get bigger
@typhlosion sentient popsicle further blows up a wasteland because their offspring sucks.
@typhlosion make the biggest mess to win
@typhlosion I chug coffee and lay pipes.
@typhlosion mouth sounds
@aeonofdiscord @typhlosion Neilcic made games?!
@typhlosion You Are a Knight Which Means You Have to Solve Everyone's Problems: Cubes Edition
@typhlosion Not playing anyþing right now, but I'll describe what I was playing last night: frog fights wiþ þe power of gambling
@typhlosion Undertale
guess attempt
@typhlosion alan wake?
guess attempt
@Okesska yep. al is the gun-losingest protag ive ever seen
guess attempt
@typhlosion he's really the harry disco of whatever genre alan wake is!!
@typhlosion poke big lizards with a sharpened stick
@typhlosion you have to keep doing the same stuff, but different, over and over and over again to succeed