the one disadvantage of top-loading game consoles is that you can't stack them on top of each other. you can put another thing on top of a NES-001 but not on top of a genesis or n64 (which are the new additions to my collection that i'm currently trying to find places for)
@typhlosion Sega attempted to make up for this limitation by release special hardware that can be stacked on top of your Genesis.
@bunny_jane ill get a power base converter one of these days so i can play master system games too
@typhlosion a partner has a setup with an ikea kallax shelf housing their game consoles, and ikea has these inserts that split a cell vertically, which greatly improves the space efficiency of the whole arrangement by reclaiming empty space above top-loaders (at least the ones whose carts/lids don't end up being too tall for the shorter ceiling lol)
@Skirmisher yeah i might have to hit up ikea for some furniture sometime
@typhlosion we need the gaming equivalent of those big old stereo systems that had like a cd player and 2 cassette decks and radio etc
@typhlosion ...except it's like, every game system. so it's absolutely massive haha
@Resni the retron series from hyperkin is kind of like that. like, the retron 5 has a bunch of different ports on it for different systems
@typhlosion oh ya haha, I think I've seen a similar one but I dont think it had as many slots.
@typhlosion solution: turn your toploaders on their side, making them really precarious frontloaders
(solution may need adhesives)