does anyone have any experience with 3ds hardware maintenance? my n3dsxl's cartridge slot is being inconsistent, especially with ds cartridges. i want to restart my soulsilver cart and i can't really confidently do it if it won't recognize the cart is there more than every ten tries or so. maybe the pins are just bent?
@typhlosion more likely to be corrosion than bent, and are you sure it's not the cartridges? we've had to clean most of our ds carts once or twice (IPA and a little mechanical scrubbing with a q-tip works)
@Hearth the 3ds seems to see the cart pretty consistently when i turn the console on with it inserted, it's mostly just when i remove and reinsert it that it sometimes fails to see it. so i'm wondering if the mechanism to detect insertion of a cart is going marginal
@Hearth it looks like there are replacement cartridge slot modules available to purchase online (e.g. that don't appear to require soldering to install... if it gets really bad maybe i'll consider that
@typhlosion oh, the whole thing's a little replaceable module with what looks like a standard mezzanine connector on there, that's neat
@typhlosion well, not standard, but off-the-shelf, we've definitely seen those before. i think samtec makes them
@Hearth i will say it's kind of cool to even be able to consider doing this stuff myself, back when i first got these consoles it didnt even cross my mind that i'd be opening them up
i wonder how moddable the old fat ds is. i'd love to replace the screens in that thing someday if i can
@typhlosion if that's what it is, it is almost certainly finickier than we would be comfortable doing, yeah