the signup time window reminds me of Rat Shrine, a twine by porpentine where you can only enter the shrine at noon and midnight in IRL pacific time
@typhlosion hehe that's amazing
@Abby it's a really cool concept! it makes it tough for people in some parts of the world to engage with it but the upshot is that it feels more ritual, more like you're actually there in a place with other people, albeit people you can't see or interact with
@typhlosion I'm so glad it's as witchy as advertised :3 like you have to wait for a moon gate ~
@Abby absolutely!'s signup window reminded me of it for more reasons than just the real-time-gating stuff. porpentine would probably feel right at home on that instance from what i know of her
@typhlosion I hope they have a special name for toots there ...
@Abby i wouldn't know, am not on there myself. i think it's "jinx" or something? here's the link for your contemplation