reddit link to important bill affecting Masto
reddit link to important bill affecting Masto
@vahnj And I should probably write my spiel beforehand so I can read it on the phone and sound like an intelligent person. I think I can expand on the statement the EFF suggest; I'll share it here when I finish it.
reddit link to important bill affecting Masto
@bstacey 💯
reddit link to important bill affecting Masto
@vahnj How's this? "I’m calling about FOSTA, House Bill 1865. The same people who are concerned about net neutrality, like the Electronic Frontier Foundation, are concerned that HR1865 will prevent victims of sex trafficking from speaking out, and it will lead social-media companies to resort to automated filters that can easily be gamed by the alt-right. Weakening section 230's protections for online speech is the wrong way to fight sex trafficking."
reddit link to important bill affecting Masto
@vahnj Amend last sentence: "Weakening section 230's protections for online speech, with vague and exploitable language about 'reckless disregard', is the wrong way to fight sex trafficking."
I'm deeply anxious about speaking on the phone, and I want to get this as good as I can.
reddit link to important bill affecting Masto
@bstacey I too have phone anxiety
Often I just send letters to my reps instead of calling. I've heard they only really care about hearing if you're for or against instead of the reasoning since it's just an intern but yeah I like your script
reddit link to important bill affecting Masto
@vahnj "I’m calling about FOSTA, House Bill 1865. The same people who are concerned about net neutrality, like the Electronic Frontier Foundation, are concerned that HR1865 will prevent victims of sex trafficking from speaking out, and it will lead social-media companies to resort to automated filters that can easily be gamed by the alt-right. The meaning of the term 'reckless disregard' has not been well established in the context..."
reddit link to important bill affecting Masto
@vahnj "... of modern social media, and weakening section 230's protections for online speech with vague and exploitable language is the wrong way to fight sex trafficking."
reddit link to important bill affecting Masto
@vahnj Done!
I left a message. Now to breathe deeply for a good long while ... I don't know why it's harder for me to make statements on the phone than it is for me to mouth off in person, but who ever said anxiety had to make sense....
reddit link to important bill affecting Masto
@bstacey I feel ya about that. Phones are hard :/
reddit link to important bill affecting Masto
@bstacey hella good 👌
reddit link to important bill affecting Masto
@vahnj Damn, my (usually quite sensible) representative is a co-sponsor. I guess I need to pick up the phone. Probably best to do so during regular business hours?