Aeon 14.. wtf am I reading, musings 

So somehow I've kind delved into the Aeon 14 universe by M.D Cooper.

On the one hand... a lot of this shit is totally up my alley. Snappy characters (human and AI), really good dialogue and action writing.... concepts I like a lot.. especially in the Perseus Gate series where one of the main characters is the ship AI that loves being a ship..

At the same time... it's really.. really horny and OMFG fetish material.. but somehow not?

So the first book we have a hacker girl that is introduced by getting shot up and falling into a vat of "silbio" which is silicon based biological nanotech and her AI uses it to patch her up (dying in the process) something like 70% of her body is green translucent silicon computing smart material.

This is a minor but important character.

2nd book in the main line series.. she hooks up with another supporting character that well... extremely heavily modded for unrealistic sex stuff and appearance.. nearly dies in a major space battle and gets pretty cooked and has a polymer that resembles latex slapped while new skin is grown... except she decides to keep it.

Those two stay married for 70 years before jelly girl gets killed.

Anyway.. Jessica, miss glossy, latex skin and impossible curves spends 18 (plus a bunch of time raising AI kids in a time compressed sim) years with an AI in her head... Has AI children with her husband (like 100 years after all this stuff.. mind you there is a lot of stasis and well thought out repercussions of relativistic interstellar travel at sublight speeds)

Anyway... Jessica and Iris (The AI) are two of the main characters of Perseus Gate... eventually Iris has to be pulled out of Jessica's head for handwavium AI that spend to much time bounded with a human start to merge with the human and frequently bad things happens.

Iris gets herself a body that is identical to Jessicas just a different color after trying out several dozen.. but she spent two decades seeing Jessica's face in the mirror.

Soo... queue unresolved sexual tension between those two... and the husband. Which is resolved by a threesome.. because..

Mind you it is tasteful... a soft of fade to black after a hot kiss sort of scene..

BUT GODDAMNIT IT IS HORNY AS FUCK... and that like.. one of dozens of holy shit this is horny without some how being explicit and raunchy.

Though all of the cover is.... pretty bad.. like perfectly portioned woman in skin tight suits holding guns in generic action poses..

Ignoring that... the AI human interactions... are really good... like... fuck.. and very enjoyable... and it is generally very well written and thought out... but I can't fucking shake the feeling that I'm reading some edited lewd rp logs.. because some the stuff is....

Damn this reads like a scene I did years ago..


re: Aeon 14.. wtf am I reading, musings 

I could probably babble about this a lot...

I'm trying to feel out my exact thoughts.. because damn.. like it is pretty solid scifi..

but some of the characters are like... damn dude (author) we get it... you have a thing for hot, in charge women in skin tight suits..

Then he goes and writes Sabrina (ship AI) and I'm like.... fuck I love this character, she's neat... and like.. a good ship and loves being a ship.. and has some great stuff when it comes to her thought processes and interactions with everyone and what is important to her, aka being a fucking ship with a crew she cares about and wants to protect and have great adventures with and also equal rights for all sentient live.

re: Aeon 14.. wtf am I reading, musings 

Also.. re-reading that... please ignore the valley girl tone. Somehow I used a lot of "like" and "so like" and I'm not really sure where it came from...

Going to blame it on 5 hours of sleep... and feeling sick

re: Aeon 14.. wtf am I reading, musings 

Kindle highlights ate the formatting but...

"<You’ve always got a story,> Amavia replied with a laugh.
Sabrina considered that. She never really told her stories much, but because they were always made alongside her crew, she didn’t have to—Amavia was new so there was a lot of lore for her to catch up on. That was what Sabrina liked the most about being a starship. Her stories were always made with her favorite people, and they stayed attached to her forever. She thought back over her past, to all the things she’d done, all the adventures.
It really was the best life she could have ever hoped for. One she planned to keep living for a long time to come. Mobile frames are nice, but I really just like being a starship."

and this..

"After keeping close to the departing strand for a day, Amavia brought the Garrulous Brooke alongside Sabrina and, when the ship’s original crew returned to their vessel, Amavia reboarded Sabrina. And once again the entire crew was inside her hull.  Sabrina felt complete. Happy. Like a starship should."


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