AC6 (spoilers for NG+) 

So uh... I got a lot of progress last night and been thinking.

First time round I went what felt like the "good" path.

Second time round, I went with Carla which feels... I guess the evil path?

While saving the Coral might be morally grey, Burning it feels morally void? You're just still following Walter's orders even after his death. You really are the hound he treated you as.

And uh.

Really pushed home how extremely much I love Ayre as a character in this game. I think she might be the best character in the whole franchise (I know, that's not actually a very high bar, but all the same)

re: AC6 (spoilers for NG+, rambling about characters) 

Rusty's fine, but it took me until worm killing for me to actually like him? Sure he was fun as a character in the story but I started calling HIM buddy when the music dropped and he said "I won't miss."

Carla's fine. I'd like her more if she wouldn't put the stink on calling me "tourist" like it's a slur.

Chatty? Love that boy, it's nice to have an AI in the setting that isn't soulless and allowed to hold a gun without becoming seen as a monster.

Walter? Honestly the most boring character we talk to for longer than 1 mission.

All the rest of them? A mixed bag, I dunno, most of them are unlikable and feel that way intentionally? Patter's okay. It's hard not to love how much of a shitbag Iguazu is.


re: AC6 (spoilers for NG+, rambling about characters) 

NG++ makes Iguazu my favorite punching bag.

Chatty is amazing. Remember to get your laughs when you can!

If you haven't done the "Ambush the Red Guns" mission... G1 Michigan really becomes a fantastic character there.

Ice Worm is probably one of my set piece boss fights with gimmick weapon. It is very cinematic and fun!

Liberator of Rubicon ending definitely hits the feels when you see massive open warfare breaking out on the ground below and Rusty shows up!

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