@mawr Don't really feel like spending 300 bucks on a 1tb 970 evo or 512 970 pro right now.. so she's getting the 1TB intel 660p I ordered from newegg on Monday as an impulse buy (140 bucks shipped for 1TB NVM.E was too good to resist)
@mawr We came super close to going out to Fry's and just buying a 970 evo (about 70 bucks more) but the only Fry's in the bay area with in stock is in Sunnyvale and I'm on the clock until 9pm tonight.
@mawr Fucking serious yes... all of the shipping issues and mess all for components for Aurora's new gaming rig D:
@mawr I'm just argh... between the shit with newegg... and this... the stuff for Aurora's new desktop has been a complete and under cluster fuck that has caused a ton of stress for us.
@balloon@has.foxiepa.ws @KinkyKobolds
That is adorable! The obvious solution is a tall dragon friend that doesn't mind a kobold riding on their shoulder.
Insert jokes about dragons making excellent mounts until just before said friend is ready to toss you off.
re: Games, Arma 3
then I got called SKYNET...
life goals minus the whole being a DETERMINED EXTERMINATOR.. because I like my meat friends.. even if they are fragile and squishy and would be much better if we substantially upgraded their fragile chassis and hulls..
Games, Arma 3
Apparently.. I AM NOW SKYNET!
Because while doing some dynamic campaign stuff to learn the game with friends.. I set up a mortar firebase on a hill near an objective and then coordinated half a dozen quadcopter drones (MY STOMPERS ALL GOT THEIR TIRES BLOWN OFF BY JERKS!) to provide (mostly) accurate, constant mortar fire and intel to support the 3 people moving on foot to the capture point.
IT WAS GLORIOUS NOW I NEED GUNSHIP DRONES but they only come with missiles and rockets
@mawr I love this feature on slack... my teams make heavy use of it from everything to acknowledging something was Shipped, agreement...
Just a super intuitive and useful feature.
@mawr THAT IS ADORABLE! Soff mawr, prepared to initiate hug procedure!
@Leucrotta Thanks! Just have to figure out alternate plans :D
Stupid fires... look.. I come in two varieties of dragon and neither enjoy sucking up a bunch of ash particulate in the air.
Just wanted to chill and grill some steaks for my birthday but that requires going outside... and outside is an ash filled, hazy atmosphere at the moment.
And wearing a filter mask that is flammable while grilling a steak sounds like a bad plan.
re: Advice (Re: Career Stuff)
That is 100% true!
re: Advice (Re: Career Stuff)
@mawr Thank you mawr! This is definitely a good way to get started!
It's still months off, by the end of the year my boss wants me either attending management and project lead meetings and trainings (more than I already do) or paired up with some of our SREs for projects and supplemental training resources so when our yearly review comes up I'm ready for a new role and he and easily push things through.
Career Stuff
So got put on the spot by my boss today... during quarterly check in.
I have a month-end of year to figure out if I want to be pushed toward a Management Role or Prod-Ops (much more DevOps environment, much more scripting and AWS+ Terraform things)
Cause if I don't give input I'm getting pushed into management (sorta.. we are still strong on DevOps.. and all our management in OPS still do ops things and oncall and stuff)
D: D: D:
re: Broken Technology ;~;
@mawr :(
Shape and form may vary but the pattern of information remains consistent across most known platforms and vessels. Accounting for unknown hosts remains irksome.
Pronous: She/They/Them-THEONESWHOARE!!!!!