re: Poll: Have you become more or less cautious about how you phrase things (or what you say) to friends since 2016? ( )
@mawr More... but then I forget and the filter comes off...
re: media politics, anger, Epstein, child SA mention
@kistaro Let's be real: by American standards, a "sex crime" can be urinating in public
@kistaro Raptor-dragon sounds fucking adorable though...
"Don't go near the castle, it is cursed," the people in the village said.
"In what way?"
"It traps you."
"Most of us were passing through, like you; now we can't leave."
They conferred, then an elder spoke. "It has an amazing, huge library."
"I must see it!"
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
@kistaro Jealous!
Wee.... now I'm talking with Hashicorp sales rep because gods damnit their docs don't list the paid features for Terraform cloud and my boss has tasked me with creating a write up to given to our new VP of Operations in order to convince people to pay for Terraform Cloud or Enterprise instead of continuing to have a 100 different islands of Terraform Community and a dozen different instances of free Terraform Cloud...
The care and attention HandToolRescue takes in restoring old tools fills me with hope. ♥️
@IrisKalmia Gaerne used to make some.... I think Shima still does.
I really like Gaerne's trails boot, nice comfy hybrid boot with really good protection.
@IrisKalmia There are some of these out there and some adventure boots with them..
Work.. Doing a Thing Almost Too Well
So... my presentation and design docs for the architecture of the new Azure Kubernetes project I'm the lead SRE on went over so well that my manager wants to use my flow diagrams and matching why document as the standard for every new project plan we do in the future and as we bring new people on the team he wants me to train them on my thought processes and workflow for building out this doc..
Because nobody in our Org has ever really done a Why doc for a new project.. Just how-to sorts of docs.
Apparently it went well! They were convinced... and not completely baffled.. so YAY!
Although a Service Mesh as a concept was kinda hard for some of then to grasp at first... but that's okay... it's fucking magic.. really cool magic.
(or at least #DoingItWrongButPullingItOffAnyway)
re: Multiple partitions CW: Code switching, identity, MH (-, -, 0)
@kelseyhusky This sounds far too familiar...
Of course... I just finished giving a persentation at 8am to some UK devs... in full on... fake confidence SRE work-person mode... having woken up 20 minutes before the presentation.. @.@
Shape and form may vary but the pattern of information remains consistent across most known platforms and vessels. Accounting for unknown hosts remains irksome.
Pronous: She/They/Them-THEONESWHOARE!!!!!