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Consider that, despite being small and weak, Kobolds still have managed to carve out a society from the hard rock of a mountain. If we can do the thing, so can you, especially if you do it together.

Azure Hate Train 

So... apparently Azure Functions don't support Go-Lang. Unlike Lambda.... bleh..

Capitalism please go die in a fire. I want fully automagical AI gay space socialism

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back after a 5 day weekend... spent mostly fighting with the food temperature modulator to reduce bacterial growth appliance..

8am meeting... scheduled to next week... 10 minutes before start time. SLEEP DENIED SUCKER!

Fucking Austria Team...

Next week... 8am meetings every day except friday :(


job searching vent, weed/420/kelp 

I'm worried about drug testing, but I'm bout sure how viable not smoking at all is for me? It helps so much with stress, ptsd, and depression.
It is absolutely bullshit that is simultaneously legal in this state and can cost you a job
My outlook right now is to not worry and apply like I'm clean.

Now the waiting game... tech couldn't find the sensor that may be bad in our fridge but also the vents from freezer to fridge were completely frozen and full of water... cleaned freezer out some... it was working when he left... temp has dropped about 5 degrees since he got it working supposedly.

I'm out 90 bucks.. and we'll know in 24 hours if that was the problem or not...

Bleh... I like how appliance repair company's diagnostics fee magically went up by 30 bucks over the holiday. They even partially updated their website with the new prices but not the descriptions.

Of course after we cancelled the first appointment because things were working fine the next day.. it starts having issues again all weekend long. Don't buy LG appliances. :(

Probably the best compressed battletech lore blurb I've seen

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I am not career ambitious. This is a problem because I don't really feel a drive to push for improving my job. I just want to make enough to leave some money left over after bills and housing to buy neat stuff without worry, doing a job that doesn't destroy my motivation every other day.

Being forced to deal with the government for work, CW: All caps, frustration, venting. 


Serious "What If" Question 

If you could snap your fingers and make the internet: • Cease to exist
• All memory of it vanishes
• No modems either
• Software is sold and moved primarily using thumbdrives

Would you do it?

Fucking damnit... looks like the evap coil on our fridge went boom.... it is not cooling below 60F and there is a ton of water and condensation

Atleast all the meat is taken care of, stuffed in cooler with ice, same with fresh veggies meant for this week.

Have a tech that will be coming out to look at it tomorrow.. hopefully shit won't be too pricey.

The Asian Restaurant Heuristic wins again: the scary looking hole-in-the-wall with a flawed rating from the health inspector is *superb*.

That feeling when you can't remember if you took your pay attention pill or not, :blobwaitwhat: and you're weary of taking one 'cause if you take two it makes you vibrate out of your body :blobastonished:

Things I wish people would tell me:

It's okay to be queer and not be some counter-cultural revolutionary. It doesn't invalidate you or make you any less of who you are, and it doesn't mean you don't belong. It's okay to just be who you are - and if that means just living your life and trying to find peace, that's perfectly acceptable.

Decided to see what would happen if I trained a neural net to write names for self-aware AIs.
May I present: GPT-2 trained on AI names from Iain M. Banks's Culture novels

a game is always better when it lets you be a lizard

US Politics: Nancy Pelosi 

I fucking hate Nancy Pelosi.

Her seat would better serve progressive interests if it were filled by a fucking Republican, and that's not something I'll say about literally any other elected official in office today.

Elsewhere, #HugATailDay is a thing on Fridays. If you need a kobold tail to hug or a kobold hugging your tail, just ask!

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