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work grr 

I hate this..

Been working on a thing all week and it works, it is down and deployed. Merge all the helm package bits into branch because branch per environment (seems weird to me but whatever)

Senior SRE starts commenting a ton on the Jenkins file... which he wrote and my coworker fucked around with is solely for testing because this is project fork of a thing from that team but we kept the code in the same repo for some reason.
so it has to actually work and shit for PR to be merged.

I don't know shit about jenkins files, I didn't touch it, or write it or do anything with it... but now instead of having a chill friday afternoon of working on some personal development goal training stuff... I'm the one who has to -Fix- this thing because I'm the one who put in the final PR.

So it is clearly my fault... blame and commits aside. But also because both of them are on East Coast time.

And they did not mean had the helm package and chart been tested but they are on the east coast and done for the day... sigh.

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If you use some weird word short hand for a process that nobody else knows and it sounds exactly like some other actual process with a tool used.. I hate you.

"Have you done a manual helm deployment to test this?" - comment on a helm release package for Flux2 Helm Controller API

Uh no.. because this is stuff to make Flux understand how to run the Helm API.

The helm package and charts were tested before I started this....

Me wasting a day trying to figure out what the hell they meant....

Humble Bundle has been going downhill for ages, even before IGN took them over. But now, what with removing the sliders, capping donations to charity and increasing their cut, I just can't see any reason to bother with them any more.

They were a good idea, but they've devolved into just a discount Steam reseller with a gimmick.


re: work rant 

So this morning after presenting a big overhaul that I've been working collaborative with other junior team member on to my old project's engineering team and it going well I get asked to work on Flux thing for new product we are onboarding.

I don't know a lot about flux but it is mostly just yaml bullshitting and I can work backwards from other working examples, especially since bits of it are going to be reused from Other project.

I ask junior coworker if he has any docs for the stuff for this and naming conventions etc he says no.

After a couple of hours I have the basic stuff done for this helm release thing and post up a PR for review. With a comment about how "Since the globals aren't done I don't know the name spaces we are using or service accounts etc, will update them when done."

Other junior coworker has been working on the base globals since last week... complains about how all my values/names/etc are wrong.... then suddenly opens a new branch and commits a huge bunch of shit with about half the base and globals done. With the things I needed... so now I have to go back and re do a bunch of fucking work... and of course the tickets weren't tagged with any sort of depends on...

Like maybe... if that stuff wasn't done.. Senior SRE shouldn't have assigned me the ticket that depended on it? I don't know... fuck.

so far new team is super shitty at ticket scoping. Like at best they put a name in the ticket and a short blurb of what counts as success...

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work rant 

So I'm once again the only west coast member of an east coast team and have to put up with things like "Ideally I'd like to have you around from 10am-4pm EST for collaboration because your quality and velocity of work is very good when you are collaborating with the team."

Me: "I have trouble being functional at the once a week 8am local (PST) meeting to sync up with Euro devs."

Also... like.. you squished me onto a team with the one other survivor from a 6 person SRE team and hired one senior SRE (my team was 4 people + 2 dedicated SWE for our product that we collaborated heavily with) and both of us were the junior members of our teams.. oh and I guess there is the one contractor from the contracting firm but money to keep him ran out so he is gone.

So 3 people + manager... and taking on the work of formerly 12 people with 2 separate managers... and we on-boarding new products to support... by stuffing in the janky other product infrastructure because 2 people from other project out vote me (Manager and other junior SRE)

While my old product and the other product share some technologies (Azure Kubernetes stacks and terraform...) other product is all managed by Flux and had a massive project (mostly done by contractors to update it to the latest Flux)

We passed up on trying Flux as a CI/CD solution because it had a lot of problems with playing nice with the proper way to build Terraform stuff and while that is "fixed" it is still kinda janky.

I'm off on a tangent...

Apparently we have upset a neighbor who was enough of an asshat to stick this to my car window (leaving a bunch of residue) with heavy masking tape.
Reader's note: Property manager supposedly pays for yard care, tenants are not responsible according to our lease.

If they had put this on the door to the house I'd be less upset.. aside from the tone and general ass hattery of the letter.. but it also made one of our roommates feel unsafe.

"Do you want tea or coffee?"
"Hm. I've noticed you're not much for making decisions."
"I believe we only have a finite number."
"So, when you've made all your decisions you die?"
"Or don't get to decide anymore."
"I can't tell if you're joking."
"You don't have to."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

I really do not grasp the desire for "being able to walk around, like, on foot!" in spaceship games.

There are lots of things that let me walk around cool environments on foot, including going for a walk.

Very few things let me fuck around in a spaceship

re: Work-Society-DevOps 

Look.. I just want to fucking be a dragon in my solar powered wilderness cave and like run/build your infrastructure from remote with a fat fiber line and eat tasty veggies from my personal vertical garden with my kobolds >.>;

Is that too much to ask?

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re: Work-Society-DevOps 

I guess the other part of this... is I don't eat/drink/breath/LIVE DevOps/SRE stuff.

Like outside of work, I want to do -other- things and so many fucking people in the space are like "Oh yeah in my free time I run a mini-kube cluster and build all this random shit to play around with it. But I don't actually -do- anything with it.. it is mostly just following some greenfield deployment doc and building it to have done it but isn't it cool?"

I'm like... why? yes the experience was probably useful.. but was it fun? Was it relaxing? Did you actually -do- anything with it when you were done?


Like I do this stuff because I stumbled into it, it pays well enough for myself and my partners to exist and I'm clever/smart enough to be competent at it and that isn't enough for a lot of my peers, I guess?

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Why is that there seem to be only two different types of Orgs in Ops/DevOps spaces?

Traditional fucking man-space mix of fresh meat techbro college grads tempered by married, cishet with kids/older Ops guys but it is all fucking guys..


LGBTQ+ Rainbow of intimidating super smart ex-googlers/FANG folks with SWE backgrounds that are crazy technical and experienced while usually being groundbreakers/public figures in the field?

I get why the second sort of Org would form... but there is like no in between. That seems like a huge problem.. and fuck I don't know, I feel like I don't have a space to actually exist outside of putting on nerd camouflage, being super vague about my life outside of work because I can't related to my coworkers and if I did rely my life experiences even the most socially liberal cishet coworkers would be like "that is fucking wild"

At the same time... I'm really fucking tired of being -Deadname- at work when outside of like work and things that require a Real ID, I am not.

Maybe I'm just babbling because... being remote for the last year let me experiment with dyeing my hair and painting my nails and I'm so fucking done with western man office culture.

attn. kobolds: authentic artisanal dragon headpats available

One by one the strong men stepped up to the anvil and attempted to pull the sword out. None succeeded.
At last, Granny Nelson stepped up, pulled the sword out, and tossed it aside.
She lifted the anvil triumphantly and everyone cheered her as the new king of blacksmiths.
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

30 hours after pzifer shot 2... I slept through 15 hours of those 30.

Mostly just really tired.. everything takes a lot of effort/energy.

work rant 

Fffffffff... yes lets totally move all the source of truth for all our terraform infrastructure for -my- project, the one I worked on for the last 2 years into Azure DevOps (from BitBucket) without consulting the Engineering Team using it.. cause reasons.. I'm sure that will go over well.
Yes we'd like to build of AzDevOps Pipelines to automate the deployments (if we can get that shit working at all because arggghhhhhhh jank) instead of having people grab the terraform from SC and run terraform plan/apply locally on their personal machine... but we don't need to lift and shift 40+ repos into fucking Azure DevOps to make that work... especially when we as a company are probably ditching bitbucket and moving to Github in the next like 6 months... with new security requirements for where code source of truths can live.

But this is the 3rd time someone on my new team has asked if we should move the entire code base to Azure DevOps.. not to mention we'd need to refactor numerous terraform modules because you can't variable-ize "source" for a module

If there is something I really don't like about the new team it is that they seem to be intent on creating additional work when it is not needed if for no other reason than to do something "new".

It is super frustrating.

re: USPol: Cops & 2A 

@wobblewuffess Marin Luther King Jr. was so right about this. (You've read excerpts from his Letter from Birmingham Jail, right?

I wish his later years of activism in which he (previously an integrationist, which is now seen as a racist concept) and Malcom X (previously a segregationist, which is def racist), both working together essentially realized what has now become the more modern anti-racist movement, and the US Gov assassinated them for it.

re: USPol- Cops & 2A 

@nowak I've been saying it for a while now: This is one of the biggest reality-disconnects on the US left. They claim to stand on the platform of scientific fact and protecting minorities, and yet their gun legislation often demonstrates precisely the opposite (eg: cops enforce these laws exclusively against minorities, high cap mag bans will _never_ keep high cap mags out of the hands of mass shooters, or banning only "scary looking" guns to win political favor)

US Politics: Police and the 2nd Amendment 

The 2nd Amendment seems superfluous to those with the privilege to feel safe within their environment.

In reality, the 2nd Amendment is the last remaining line of defense against the US becoming a total police state. Those who can't trust the police rely on the 2nd Amendment to keep them safe from the police.

Gun laws only serve to give the police more power to do what they already do best: Oppress and kill Black, Indigenous, Trans and other Minorities.

meds griping 

One problem with having separate specialists for separate conditions is that each one of them is adamant that the most important thing in the world is to take their medication exactly as directed, regardless of everything else in your life.

This is deeply annoying when I am basically nonfunctional until the caffeine or Adderall kicks in but my general physician is very adamant that I should take levathyroxine separately and before everything else - ideally an hour before everything else, but half an hour will do - including breakfast and especially caffeine.

My psychiatrist thinks it’s fine to take Adderall XR at the same time as levathyroxine. My GP doesn’t. I’ve spent the morning trying to figure this out myself. I am pretty sure my psychiatrist is right. I also can’t find *any* citation on the caffeine thing - it keeps coming up in instructions to patients, but I can’t find any studies or documentation or known food interactions explaining it. I’ll follow that anyway because the caffeine is less important than the Adderall.

Makes me appreciate the push for “evidence-based medicine”. Rumor and tradition account for more professional medical advice than I’d like.

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