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Dude.. if you are going to Hack up the Doc I put together at -your- request yesterday because parts of it are copy pasted from other docs that I helped write.. maybe you should fucking find the originals and figure out what is new and what is not.

Since the copy-pasted bits were prefix to give context to the -new- guide I wrote which you deleted for some reason.

Maybe someday, if we're lucky, the last capitalist can be a good capitalist.

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work, anyone need an okay k8s, azure, terraform devops person? 

I guess it is time to brush up my resume. Always great to spend last couple of weeks meeting with team leads and discussing the possibility of moving on to one of their teams then have your director tell you the COO changed the requirements of the req he'd hoped to fit you into..
And follow it "there are some openings in engineering, we could work something out as a temp parking spot for you until an ops req opens."

Fuck dude, you know I'm not a software engineer and looking at the openings, I am like 100% they are on the team responsible for the disaster product I support as an SRE

Boy I love interviewing people on the east coast, sure do. Especially nice coming off a long weekend (in which my natural sleep schedule reasserted itself) to run an interview at 8am PST. Totally rad. We totally had bandwidth issues to keep me off video I swear.

Not at all because I rolled out of bed and made coffee 15 minutes before the interview or anything.. nope!

Always fun when you have to go looking for security policy docs then have a conversation the security director because your Senior SRE decided to pull scripts from his private github into a CI/CD automation pipeline...

Note the scripts weren't any bad.. but super bad procedure.

And apparently none of the docs or policy has been published yet, hence talking with SecOps director.

re: work, status 

Apparently I * a thing.. and forgot to explain.
My manager is navy boomer dude with an MS mathmatics and comp sci and apparently added to his linked in recently that he completed some Vector Calculus course of the U of Hong Kong or something.

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Anyway... I was a total wreck for the last week because I was expecting the company I work for to completely fuck me over and dump me because that is all I've ever experienced when difficulties in the workplace come up.

I was shocked and surprised.. when that didn't happen. I guess it helps that I've been there for 5 years and impressed some senior leadership folks at various points.. and we are still short staffed everywhere in Ops.

re: work, status 

Still rambling... the day I broke down before my vacation I was oncall.

Senior SRE asshat made an undiscussed change to our Pagerduty settings at 11pm the night before which caused me to get paged by bullshit from 3am-5am and then like every two hours that day.. because of a bug in pagerduty's API... which was why we had disabled the thing he turned back on without asking or talking to anyone about... there was even a jira ticket and open ticket with PD about it.

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work, status 

Well... I still have a job after all the shit last week and surprisingly, the Director of ProductOps backed me up and supported my desire to get the fuck away from my current team because we are clearly not compatible.

Now if only I could get back the week of vacation I spent a nervous wreck expecting to get fired because I failed to complete a project before said pto and broke own in tears are 13 hours of struggling on the last day before my pto because Senior SRE made me feel completely incompetent at my job and dismissed all the work I had done up to that point because the Azure DevOps Pipeline to actually deploy the code and create the infrastructure wasn't done and I got completely stuck and he was no help at fucking all at solving the piece I was stuck on.

So when I filled out my weekly gut check to my boss I explained the situation, my feelings and why I was struggling and my boss went right for the "I don't think you are passionate about what we are doing. It is not vector calculus* but it takes practice and dedicated -scientific- mind to do it well and I do not feel you are putting in the -work-(outside of work to keep up)." and some bullshit about how various undocumented pre-reqs were not completed by my coworkers but being marked as completed is "Just part of the job" (despite this being the 4th Azure DevOps Project we have setup and onboarded an engineering team onto in the last 3 months but no one but me thought to write a fucking checklist and document the process to get everything working but me.. after I went through all the bullshit lost time troubleshooting shit to find some basic setup tasks and permissions were not done by the person who said they did it all and handled the last 3..)

He also took some not so subtle jabs at my ADHD and how he felt after two weeks the accommodations the team made weren't working despite the effort I was putting into them (a 5 minute sync up meeting with Senior SRE in the afternoon.. and me spending 30-40 minutes most days writing a work journal and direct linking code commits, tickets and documentation related to the work I did that day)

Finally ending in offer to talk with the director about transferring me to another team.

I am kinda rambling to get this off my chest.

Anyway.. yesterday I had a zoom call with him... and the Director of our org and the director completely backed me up.

Upside.. I am definitely moving to another team, probably on the tooling and internal services side of the house.

All of that side of the business is in AWS. YAY. I mean I hate Amazon... a lot.. but Azure is so frustrating to work in and shit is often buggy, undocumented or old docs don't match new API and stuff. Or recommend things like "Then put the access key in plain text in your pipeline yaml" because doing it properly is a huge pain the ass.

Downside: Unless there is someone that immediately wants to transfer to the AzureOps team it will probably take 45-60 days to go through HR and get a new req for me to move into. Nobody sane would want to be on call for the Janus project (Which Azure Ops is responsible for) and I suspect whisper networks would have not nice things to say about my manager since basically all of the Janus Ops team quit... and I'll be the second person put under him to request a transfer.. the other was from my old team after we got absorbed by the Azure Ops team.

The message went out:
"Whosoever tames the dragon shall have the hand of our daughter in marriage."
"Do you think it will work?" the queen asked.
"Yes and no. I don't think anyone will tame her, but it should provide our daughter with fresh meat."
"I just want her to be happy."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

Riding a motorcycle to me is like riding on a very noisy, low flying broom :blobwitch:

Fucking exhausted and tired of him making random ass changes outside of working hours. I know he came from a startup... but fuck.

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FFff... Senior SRE made some changes to our PD last night around 11pm local for him to alert off of tags...

I got woken up at 3:45 but 4 "Sev 1" alerts paging that were all... in the WARNING category and not supposed to page...

work rant 

FFFFFF I want to defenestrate our senior SRE right now.

So my coworker wrote a template to handle all the steps of a terraform deploy process (lint, validate, plan... wait for PR before allowing apply) for Azure DevOps Pipelines (which is the tooling we are required to use) so I reused his template, calling it correctly with variables replaced and whatever there are some minor permissions issues I need to fix.

But no... because he can't look at the pipeline.yaml and read it in place to figure out what it is doing (because it calls templates in another repo) he wants me to write a new pipeline from scratch... that doesn't use the templates >.> but also "doesn't want copy pasted work or to duplicate work we've already done"

WHICH fucking one is it?

Sigh... someone needs to tell our senior SRE to NOT FUCKING WORK ON WEEKENDS!

Monday rolled around after our 8am sync up with overseas devs he yanked me in a private call because he completely rewrote our Terraform best practices over the weekend and would like me to rewrite the 4 modules and deployments I spent all of last week working on to conform to his new standards before I go on vacation for a week... in 2 days.

Monday Morning.. 3.75 hours of sleep.

Senior SRE has completely replaced Flux2 with ArgoCD on the k8s cluster we were going to hand off to a dev team today in a fit of manic rage last night....

This monday is starting out greaaaat. Not that I mind Argo.. I like it.



I've spent the last two weeks working to get a helm package sorted for a new product dev environment. Today everything was done and it appeared to work

Coworker that built and set up Flux some how configured it to update image tag but not pull the image.

so for almost every way of checking if the changes were being pushed to the k8s cluster and if helm was updating the build image on the surface it was working.

But really it was keeping the same image and changing ALL OF THE FUCKING TAGS TO THE NEW BUILD TAG

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