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Kill Staging/DevOps 

Me.. sitting in a CI/CD transition meeting with one of the teams my team supports.. half awake as they discuss all this effort to bring parity to staging (because they don't do parallel stacks in staging but we do in prod for them)

"What?! Do it in prod? But... testing?!"
"Do it in prod! After all last deployment that we just rolled back before this meeting tested perfectly in staging but because of factors we literally could not replicate anywhere but PROD.. it failed. So... you should just do it LIVE but you know.. with feature flags, incremental roll out and parallel stacks so we can fail back to known good builds... which we already do.. in PROD!"
My boss in a private message: "Are you upset at me for scheduling this meeting at 8am?"
Me: "Only slightly... but I am 100% serious about killing their Staging instead of having them waste a bunch of time trying to replicate what they have already built in Prod.."


DO IT LIVE, DO IT IN PROD (Assuming you trust your Devs.. if not.. well.. shit)

Work, Guns, team building 

So I got dragged to "Sporting Clays" as a team building exercise at work.

After a practice round... I hit 22 of 25 shots right handed and 6/10 left handed shots because my shoulder was hurting and my boss dared me to do it.

I've not shot a shotgun in probably 4 years... and shot clays in 15

political hot take 

Politicians are weird, defective caricatures of people, and campaigns are weird rituals to try to convince us that’s what people are like

If your tail isn't wagging intensely when you exclaim "Kobold!" what are you even doing?

"You do know you could find yourself charged with being a dominant species while under the influence of impulse driving consumerism, don't you?"

BTW: Good Omens is delightful and a roaring fun read so far. And the show is a lot of fun too. Too bad the fundies got Netflix to stop making more of it.

Thanks brain... sure did enjoy the not sleeping last night... welp.. work time on not quite 3 hours of sleep :(

If you want headpats from a kobold,. you need to crouch down or offer us a stepladder.

"irritation" is core to the experience of most video games; it creates a sincere experience of triumph

HRT, my personal trans experience 

-- Swimsuits are bullshit sometimes, but i need to get one that fits and can withstand the way I play. The pride-pandering impulse purchase was just a little bit too small to be comfortable or Rex enough for all these chocolate curves.

-- Diving after a 17 year gap has made me realized just how much my bio-frame has changed from the cached tactile map from my Varsity days. There are a couple of things there that weren't there the last time.

-- Feeling my tits bob and float on the surface at the shallow end is such a fun and silly feeling. I love it.

I forgot just how much fun playful immersion is. I haven't played water in 17 years. And I didn't realize how much I missed and needed it. I'm gonna be in the fabrication lab for a while. Gotta start speccing out a water-play frame and platform.

Text Editors 


fascist culture wars 

i will not let fash take the spelling "fren". goddamnit. i feel like every day these fuckers lick something and declare "this is mine now." don't let them have it! symbolism matters and their feeble attempts to taint symbols like bread, clowns, and an adorably misspelling of "friend" can be overcome. together, we are strong! ✊

Tech, Corporate Culture, Uhh what? 

So... all of the Product Ops SREs from my org are coming to visit HQ next week and what does our newly promoted Director of CloudOps decide to do as a team building exercise? Sporting Clays...

So.. I guess a bunch of SRE nerds are going shooting next week. Should be hilarious.. at least I have my own eyes and ears.

More playable non-humans please. I'm sick of "realistic human" being the standard we measure games and their graphics by. We have all this power and we're using it on -that-?

PSA from ur friendly nonbinary grandam:

It’s okay if your gender fluctuates from time to time

It’s okay if you get comfortable with one gender and then later find it seems different than you thought

It’s okay if your gender cycles

It’s okay if you’re really not sure what the hell is going on with your gender

And it’s okay for any of these to feel weird or uncomfortable or for you not to like it

Gender is a strange part of our existence on this wet rock and it can be difficult and confusing at times and that’s totally normal and okay

You’re not any less of a person or any less deserving of respect if any of this has happened for you - or if it hasn’t

And there’s always gonna be some of us here to support you and remind you that you’re worthy of respect and good treatment no matter what :heart_nb::heart_trans:

are convertible pants with legs that zip off into shorts called zorts (zip shorts)?

(Which is to say I support efforts to separate church and state)

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So sleepy.. I do not have the fucks to give to sassy british devs this early in the morning on monday. :(

Friday? Sorry, you're taking a three day weekend. Kobolds' orders. Yes, that apostrophe is in the right place.

I'm not sure how many kobolds it will take to carry you out of the office on your rolling desk chair but we'll figure it out.

I feel like art is here to save us all

'cause it always seems to get even more interesting and good when the world is hardest to endure

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