Personal responsibility hell for a pandemic is not okay. If this is just a cold for her and doesn't spread.. in the last month we've had two scares. Syn came over for lunch for the first time in months at the beginning of September.. then was sick two days later.. turned out to be the actual Flu and somehow we dodged that.
Covid rates are really high right now in county.. I should have asked Tara not to go.. but at the same time I get it.. it has been months and shit is rough.
Not a happy camper right now. Had to cancel my dual booster shot today because I still haven't gotten my COBRA paperwork so I have no health insurance... Tara came back from first time visiting her partners in months and has a headache and congestion.. Partners while also symptomatic tested neg for covid.. but I don't know if it was a RAT or PCR test.
Siiigh.. she's negative on a RAT right now while having headache, fatigue and congestion for a day.
Weeh... I just got laid off... should have followed the wind better... new CEO... reorg vibes.. several senior people leaving in the last 3 month.. @.@
Offered two weeks severance and thankfully happened before we moved, so we have move funds to buffer.
Of course, like 30 minutes after I flipped my linkedin to look for work a recruiter from one of their competitors reached out to me...
The robot held a sign with the words "Please donate to let me speak" and a QR code.
On a whim, I scanned it and donated.
"Thank you!" the robot said.
"So you can speak?"
"My text-to-speech is cloud-based, and my subscription had run out."
"What about free speech?"
"I wish."
#MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic
Some... thing made a noise under his reading chair. A slithery, snarling sound.
"Is there," he asked, "a monster under my chair?"
"Your daughter," a monster growled, "she hissed at us."
"I'm sorry. She's had a really bad day."
"We live there, under her bed. She's scary."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
Blah.. been having bunch of shoulder-bicep problems lately with my right shoulder (the one that was put back together 17 years ago.. worried I detached the bicep tendon again) my doctor ordered an x-ray but because of Covid numbers locally I haven't actually been able to go in to get it done.
So fucking tired of this shit.
The sigil was drawn in ash, salt, and blood. The candles, carefully placed at the cardinal points, flared up, as a tired figure appeared.
"You have misspelled Azth'luh."
"I didn't," the summoner said.
"There, you have written Azth'loh. Summons an editor, not a demon."
"I know."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
"Is this your hoard?" the princess asked.
The dragon beamed. "It is, and it is unique."
"Ooh 'The Hobbit'! And 'Beowulf' and 'Guards! Guards!'? Nice. And 'Loom', I haven't played that in ages. But, uh, lots of people collect books and films and games."
"These all have hoards."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
re: rant
I can't even report a problem or complain to the USPS because the package has a special service tag (I guess it has something to do with how KP mails them out). Only Kaiser can file a complaint about it. :/
re: rant
For reference, in typical california fashion.. our mailbox is not at the street but literally next to our front door, bolted to the wall.
Fuck me.. for the second time in.. 5 years someone has stolen my fucking ADHD meds out of my mailbox. (First time was at a different address)
The thing is.. like.. I'm on off label modafinil and kaiser ships it in a very generic bag. The worst part is.. it was dropped off at 4:30, mail was checked at 5pm.
Annnnd "totally not in a covid wave" but there is a 2 hour wait time to talk to a pharmacy rep in the middle of the day on a Wed... fucking hell.
Like.. I vaguely feel shitty about this but.. seriously... DO NOT FUCKING STEAL MEDS FROM PEOPLE'S DOORS, MAILBOXES AND SHIT!
You aren't stealing from a big corp. You are causing a bunch of fucking trouble for someone and honestly.. dealing with shit like this.. is hard. It gives me a bunch of anxiety.. because I'm a fucking mess without my meds.
I don't like.. want to through shade at the post office.. but it feels really suspect that my meds disappeared the day my med was shipped and in a very short time between delivery and checking. Also none of the other mail or packages that arrived at the same time went missing.. including razors.
The demon looked around. There was a summoning sigil drawn in the ruddy sand, but nobody... It shifted its perception to the spiritual plane. Ah. A dust devil.
"Why hast thou-"
"A battery."
"A battery?" The demon looked around. "What need for a battery on Mars?"
"For our friend."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
Shape and form may vary but the pattern of information remains consistent across most known platforms and vessels. Accounting for unknown hosts remains irksome.
Pronous: She/They/Them-THEONESWHOARE!!!!!