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Capitalism, Ethics and Narcissism 

If we accept that capitalism encourages people to take risks and cause harm where it is likely to result in a personal monetary gain, then it's not hard to conclude that individuals drawn to management within industries of questionable ethics may very likely trend narcissist if not full on sociopath. :thonk:

rant, tech work, superbad deployment process, oncall.. wanna get high and sleep 

I am so tired... 3 hours of sleep... I just wanted to have a gummi and sleep until tomorrow... but graaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwrrrr... I'm oncall until Monday.. holy fuck our core production deployment system is so broken.. and for some reason the oncall person is responsible for the weekly core push to prod... and I my day started when I got paged at 5am.. did not end until like almost 8pm because I was supervising my first core push... and it was so busted and messy.. argh.. I have so many angry notes about things that should definitely change about the process. I have no idea how the fuck.. it has been like this for.. apparently several years..

it has been a long time since I've been paged at 5 in the morning... it still sucks ass.

I know an old punk
whose pierced nose
remains hidden
behind the N95 mask
he dutifully wears
and when I ask him
if he still wears it
because his aesthetic
has never cared for norms
he replies that he wears it
because nothing is more punk
than giving a shit
about other people.

horny furry scene description 

I wonder how the average early-nineties cyberpunk enjoyer would have reacted to a plot point of “The hacker checked her VR feed; the target system’s on-call sysadmin was still happily pretending to be a fox-boy getting stuffed down the dick of his shark-lady lover. All those remote-controlled vibrators in Admin Tod should drown out anything his pager did if Chilton set off his ICE.”

I am sure it would have been taken as humor, at best. But here we are in the early twenty-first century and “what’s your fursona” is a secret handshake for half the people who run the Internet.

enby - work/appearence/pronouns/hair 

So last night I had a horrible encounter with some scissors and ending up cutting my hair very short chasing a mis-cut... because it's been 3 years since I've seen a stylist.. and my hair has been a mess.

Like it has been this short in years.. my bangs literally stop at my jaw line everything kinda follows that.

Since my hair is too short to put up (which I used to do to keep it from getting tangled with headphones) I wore it down for all my meetings this morning..

During all of them, everyone reference me unprompted used fem pronouns.. which usually people that aren't paying attention have used masc in the past.

(My HR profile, gsuite, slack, zoom and everything else at this company lists they/them as my pronouns and a lot of folks not on my team or that are not queer I guess miss that)

I was pretty upset about how short I cut my hair last night... but honestly I feel lot less crappy over it now.

New desktop pc.. did the thing... now I have to like go set everything up and move a bunch of crap so it is not just awkwardly sitting next to me and so I remove the old massive core x9 chassis with my old one..

Fucking hell.. another atmospheric river and flood watch... this is like number 5 since new years eve.

Good news bad news... I have a rotator cuff injury.. but likely not require surgery... just a lot of physical therapy and new desk.. and some other arrangements... like... 18 months of physical therapy...

grumbling about mastodon as a whole 

Right, forgot that the higher tech person concentration here means people using algorithmic image generators and passing it off as art they made with their own hands are even more widely accepted here than they are on Twitter.


doing my civic duty by reposting this image in the hopes that it tfs @hearth

`> sudo apt-get install tiddy`

what's this do

last and far from least is @lhos for whomst I have designed this sweater to keep all the warm in but let the slimes out!

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Sam shits on Field of Dreams 

Holy fuck... I wish someone had never uttered the phrase "Build it and They will come."

It is terrible, shitty and a lie. One that is way to common for Infrastructure, Ops and Platform engineering folks to believe.

You can't just build the a thing with no feedback from your intended users and hope for the best!

Hopefully, I can ask questions that shine a light on these issues in a way that helps this team realize the problems without having to directly call them out myself.

Just getting them to start bringing me up to speed on the project seems to have at least made a few of them step back realize they have a problem with complexity and complete lack of how to use this thing docs or any guide/safety rails built into it.

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This project in particular seems to be suffering from too long in the oven without anyone glancing at it or taking its temperature.

Folks working on it even feel they might have a problem because something as complex as a multi-tenant, multi-region, onprem, self hosted k8s platform... doesn't feel complex to them any more... but then they have been working on fairly siloed for 3 years.. so.. no shit.

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I always find it weird as an operations person when I come into a project which has a stated goal of providing platform for engineering and intends to treat engineering teams as customers... but has no buy in from Engineering.. and lacks any sort of Pitch and then the folks don't get why the thing they are building is not catching own...

Like if you want people to use your thing, you have to explain to them how it will improve their work/lives/productivity/stability/etc..

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