re: nonverbal, ???
like,,,,,, when i go nonverbal it's obviously capital i Inconvenient, but does it actually indicate something Bad happened/is happening? or is that an external association i've built up on top of a mostly harmless thing my brain does sometimes?
re: nonverbal, ???
@else hmmmmm "very relaxed" is a state i didn't consider might cause(??) nonverbality, but i think that might be why i've associated The Good Kind Of Sex with being nonverbal
re: nonverbal, ???
@wolfgang for me, it just means I'm Experiencing A Lot, whether it's good or bad. if I'm too stressed or overwhelmed or angry or sad or whatever, but also if I'm very happy or even very relaxed (but ofc the only way I can be relaxed enough to be nonverbal is by being in a situation where it's not a problem)