hot take re covid vaccines, ph-, kinda personal
purposely creating an autoimmune reaction as part of a universally* administered vaccine (i.e the vast majority of covid vaccines these past x years), will probably be seen in the far future as One Of History's Most Terrible Ideas
they don't offer any non-mrna covid vaccines here, and so the trade off, even for me with crohn's disease, still comes down to: it's better to take the nebulous possible chance of long term damage from the vaccine, than to take the certain short AND long term damage from an unmitigated covid infection
but still, i can't help but wonder what kind of weird autoimmune issues will arise if i keep getting this kind of vaccine regularly. i wish they had the bivalent omicron booster shot vaccine injection as a non-mrna thing; (but they don't, for many different reasons, all of them out of my control)