i may have found/made up a justification for why i won't go to sleep. i think maybe it's a form of revenge(?)/self-compensation(?) bedtime procrastination thing that i do because the day starts out like complete and utter shit but by the time 2am rolls around i'm flying high as a kite and feeling just regular bad/worried with a dash of ignoring my problems and flooding myself in distractions, and i don't wanna go to sleep and bring tomorrow and with it another 100% shitty morning (i.e afternoon actually)
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@else i fear this happening (again) so much
@else adding to my headcanon that the poor overworked programmer making it somewhere during the 24th century or whatever could only find 1990s reimaginings of the 1960s -- a time period ~3 centuries away from them at that point -- and said to themself "aaaaah what's that 30 years difference gonna make?"
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i need a hug from one of the 0 people in the world whose hug won't feel like a sexually confusing mess of unwanted physical contact
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@SamIO what i usually do is not drink coffee when i smoke 🙃 but i was extra dumb today
i'm a weird lil dogo and this is where i sadpost