religion, mh-
kohélet is the perfect jewish text for a months-long existential crisis btw; highly recommended
jerusalem, war etc, religion
went to the old city and the western wall. took that time to write in a journal, leave a note in the wall, and adamantly refuse offers for jewish missionary stuff, and read all of kohélet from my phone cause they had a billion prayer books but somehow no single old testament????
then i took a walk around the old city, and around mt zion, where there used to be a weird jewish cult that i read about in a book
at every turn i'm constantly reminded of how this city is split up into warring factions -- border police at some tram stops and at the western wall; bullet holes in the ancient city gates; old barbed wire fences on some buildings; a constant anxious thought in my head along the lines of "wait does this street lead to the Other part of the city? how will they take to a random israeli waltzing in like they own the place, wearing wolf ears and a long bushy tail? will something Bad happen to me if i go there?"
i packed extra layers, an e-reader, a notebook, and a phone charger in my backpack; wore my finest wolf-ears and -tail, and went to the train station; four minutes until my train
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anyway i'm feeling guilty for... *checks notes* taking up valuable fediverse tl real estate so i'll go back to feeling awful and watching youtube/tiktok
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the only way to make myself tolerable to other people is to resist every single urge i have and stop myself from saying anything i want to say and go full on make believe professional hollywood actor whenever i realize i'm expected to give an emotional reaction
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i'm insufferable when i unmask, and i'm starting to get why my toxic ex did what he did 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
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i am, however, capable of feeling extremely guilty for mildly inconveniencing, hurting, and/or disappointing other people!
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i'm not really capable of feeling happy/sad for others, but i've suffered negative consequences for not pretending, so i pretend every time
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i'm genuinely relieved (and happy for others?? not sure i'm capable of that) every time someone decides i'm not worth it and goes off to live a life that's so much better thanks to not having me in it
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no one in their right mind should ever want to be in any kind of relationship with me really and i'm tired of witnessing person after person grow sick of things i can't change only to inevitably free themselves of the burden that is me
i'm a weird lil dogo and this is where i sadpost