@Roger blåhajer 🇩🇰😎
re: furry meta, biology, over analysis
one day i'll write a furry story where the characters casually refer to the geological(?) period of anthopomorphization, where a lot of species had to evolve to be taller and walk on two legs and possibly use language for some yet unknown reason
furry meta, biology, over analysis
sometimes when i read furry stories i find myself thinking "ugh this is so unrealistic! how and why would so many different species all evolve to be anthropomorphic? it doesn't make sense!"
but then i remember that i live in the branch of the multiverse where we have the 100% real evolutionary process of carcinization
ableism, The Gay Community
hi! welcome to the gay community in tel aviv! we know you've been feeling out of place your whole life, but you have finally found us, a community where everyone, including people like you, are allowed to be! welcome home!
* oh unless you're introverted, sensitive to crowds or loud noises, or not conventionally attractive; in those cases fuck off and go back to the suburbs you worthless scum
language names, meta, joke-meta
i just used the word "israeli" as if it was a language name for comedic effect, But Actually,, it is! the official spoken language is Hebrew, but the official(?) signed language is....... Israeli Sign!
so yeah! i can* communicate in: english, hebrew, american, and israeli
(* at various levels; ranging all the way from "a few dozen words at best" to "literally my native language")
re: high thought
@else plot by big stuff abroad to make people buy more stuff abroad
re: nonverbal, ???
@else hmmmmm "very relaxed" is a state i didn't consider might cause(??) nonverbality, but i think that might be why i've associated The Good Kind Of Sex with being nonverbal
i'm a weird lil dogo and this is where i sadpost