religion, history, animal violence, me being me
"these iron age people had a temple 60 km (38 mi) from where you live today, where they would sacrifice livestock to appease their weird local god"
me: yaaaaaaawn
"also they spoke an earlier form of your native language"
actual cool stuff idk; me regretting slandering the hebrew language
i know i like to shit on (my own native!) Modern Hebrew for being a semitic-inspired conlang with european syntax,,,,
but i'm actually reading a book from 800 years ago right now and understanding it almost perfectly so uh,,,,, i'll go find a foot to put in my mouth or whatever they say 😳😳😳
ph~??, mh-, disordered eating, adhd i guess
things i managed to do today rather easily: going on a 25 km (16? mi) bike ride, then sitting for 2.5 hours straight in front of the computer to add a billion corrections to openstreetmap following that bike ride
things i didn't manage to do: eat, buy groceries
Israeli: "which one of those?"
ASL: "are they the same?"
note: yes/no questions and wh questions have two distinct facial expressions/"tones of voice" (and it's the same two in both Israeli and ASL, as far as i can tell) but i can personally say from experience, that when i accidentally use the wrong one, i'm still mostly understood
gender, language, oh no the sapir whorfianists were right
also in the post where @else he/himmed their car; i, for some inexplicable reason, immediately thought "oh ok so now i should refer to him as אוטו (/oto/ 'car' or 'auto-') because it's in the grammatical masculine instead of מכונית (/mexonit/ 'car', literally 'machine' + '-ette') which is in the grammatical feminine" DESPITE there being literally NO context in my life in which i would be using gosh dang HEBREW to communicate about him!
for the rest of my life, some part of my brain is going to be exclusively dedicated to the assignment of and compliance with (grammatical?) genders of not only every person but also every inanimate object
hot take re covid vaccines, ph-, kinda personal
purposely creating an autoimmune reaction as part of a universally* administered vaccine (i.e the vast majority of covid vaccines these past x years), will probably be seen in the far future as One Of History's Most Terrible Ideas
they don't offer any non-mrna covid vaccines here, and so the trade off, even for me with crohn's disease, still comes down to: it's better to take the nebulous possible chance of long term damage from the vaccine, than to take the certain short AND long term damage from an unmitigated covid infection
but still, i can't help but wonder what kind of weird autoimmune issues will arise if i keep getting this kind of vaccine regularly. i wish they had the bivalent omicron booster shot vaccine injection as a non-mrna thing; (but they don't, for many different reasons, all of them out of my control)
i'm a weird lil dogo and this is where i sadpost