kink, classic furry animation
hey, just in case you were wondering, i checked for everybody:
the scene in rock and rule where mok drugs and possibly hypnotizes angel and plays her like an organ in front of thousands of people, glowing control collar and all?
still exceptionally hot.
kink, classic furry animation
Also has the hulking bimbo.
kink, classic furry animation
@zebratron2084 Ya' ever get so high and horny that a megalomaniacal pop star uses you as a conduit to hell?
re: kink, classic furry animation
@Phorm Yes, once!</homer_simpson mode:seen_guy_say_goodbye_to_shoe="yes" episode="s08e02">
re: kink, classic furry animation
@zebratron2084 An obscure Simpsons reference is the path to my heart
*Tosses you an Edison Ball*
re: kink, classic furry animation
@Phorm "Hey, you turned the tigress into an airhead!"
re: kink, classic furry animation
@zebratron2084 Huh.
It's usually the other way around, honestly.
re: kink, classic furry animation
@Phorm Turning airheads into space tigers? I mean, you would look good in stripes...
re: kink, classic furry animation
While I actually meant that usually a Tigress turns ME into an airhead, your idea is very compelling...
re: kink, classic furry animation
@Phorm "Compelling" is an awfully big word for a vixen. Here, suck on this Harmless Alien Device for a second...
re: kink, classic furry animation
but then angel was already style goals
(fun fact: my very first female RP character was based on Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders; not quite Debbie Harry but surely in the same pantheon)