rando, furry, uspol, very mild memetic hazard
I.. I didn't even know there were still furry Twitter randos who thought corporations were unfairly oppressed and maligned.
I thought those people were extinct in BOTH camps.
re: rando, furry, uspol, very mild memetic hazard
@JulieSqveakaroo I mean, after 30 years of "psychoceramics" studies, dealing with everything from circle-squarers to Elvis worshippers, you'd think I'd know better...
re: rando, furry, uspol, very mild memetic hazard
@zebratron2084 You are not immune to slopeganda.
rando, furry, uspol, very mild memetic hazard
There is a corpo born every minute.
rando, furry, uspol, very mild memetic hazard
@001zlnv @zebratron2084 I remember someone joking that as a corporation is a "person born free of original sin" naturally a certain type will trust them as divine interventions on this Earth and while that's a good joke I think it does strike pretty close to a particular mindset.
rando, furry, uspol, very mild memetic hazard
I'm pretty sure this line of nonsense was the plot to an anime...
re: rando, furry, uspol, very mild memetic hazard
@Austin_Dern @001zlnv OH MY GOD, Austin hun do you mind if I crib that concept for my No Pizza On Luna comic? It would fit that world PERFECTLY as a religious doctrine and an excuse for people to take the social-control algorithms' side...
re: rando, furry, uspol, very mild memetic hazard
@zebratron2084 @001zlnv I'm happy to give it away, but I have to warn it's not my concept. I *think* I got it from some discussion James Nicoll inspired on either rec.arts.sf.written or on his Livejournal/Dreamwidth and can't remember whether it was original to that commenter.
rando, furry, uspol, very mild memetic hazard
@zebratron2084 I don't believe in internet extinction.
There will always be individuals that refuse to die off.