cat (~/+ish)
Artie is alive, at least. Peggy's 98% sure she saw her poking her head out the attic window in the dark, and we heard mewing that was very similar to Artie's "WHEE LOOK AT ME"/"HELP GET ME DOWN" mews. 🙄
Rescue attempt #1 will be made tomorrow, or at least we'll check in and consider smuggling her some food and water up there. Peg is determined to leave her there a bit to make sure she gets her lesson finally-- I'm worried about another sudden vanishing and that one being permanent, but aside from that anxiety I'm afraid she's... probaly right?
I feel terrible leaving a buddy stranded up there, but aside from my own possibly irrational terror she'll just poof, I don't think she's in any imminent *danger* up there, the attic does not seem *that* dangerously decrepit. Still feel awful about it, some part of me kinda wants to rush in and play rescue tiger immediately, but... yeah, I'm not even sure she WANTS to come down yet?