anti-Biden propaganda on YT 

Those who are so inclined, please feel free to add your own comment to this (it's short, and I haven't actually watched it; the point is the headline) or thumbs-up my comment so it rises above the "that's insane" comment.

I don't know if it actually matters, but it's a thing to do.

(Link via the Durham County GOP; localfriend and I are also arguing with them on FB.)


re: anti-Biden propaganda on YT 

@woozle Smacked that one SmartLawyer guy for ya, Terran comrade. 😽 Did I miss an actual rebuttal to your point, or was that "What's insane is that this happens daily with him. Whenever he doesn't pull a lid or take a vacation" supposed to *be* the point that was so condescendingly obvious?

re: anti-Biden propaganda on YT 

@zebratron2084 I'm baffled as well. I've replied again, pointing out that his comment that I needed to take time over was exactly 19 words, where's the beef?

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