my favorite anti-conspiracy theory 

the moon landing was supposed to be faked, but they could only get Kubrick and he insisted on filming on location.


re: my favorite anti-conspiracy theory 

@LexYeen what's your second favorite anti-conspiracy theory? <3

also, i don't want this to get around, but... did you know that the Jews control the kosher food industry and own every last synagogue in the United States? and they're doing it right out in the open! 😱

Also, did you know that chemtrails are part of a 1970s CIA psyop that went off the rails? They were trying to convince the Chinese that we had advanced neurotoxins that could change the psychology of entire populations. So they equipped *every single jet* with a sprayer that releases a stream of ice crystals behind it and spread a rumor that they were "chemtrails." And now they have to keep doing it every year-- with OUR tax dollars-- to keep up the pretense! 😠

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