it is four in the morning and I am awake because @zebratron2084 has cataract surgery scheduled for this ungodly hour of the morning; we are sitting in a hospital waiting room and I want seventeen naps
also a breakfast would be nice but there is only a vending machine full of terrible snacks
it is six thirty and I am sitting alone in a hospital room because they rolled @zebratron2084 off to the operation room in the bed that was in the room, hope all goes well!
You'll both be in my thoughts today. Hope things go well...
@StormyDragon @anthracite Went pretty well! I have such good vision in my right eye now that it's making me dizzy, hooray! :D Seriously, I remember rather more of the actual procedure than I would have liked to, but the recovery's going pretty well and tghe change is AMAZING. Thank you for the good wishes! <3
@zebratron2084 @StormyDragon @anthracite
Here's wishing you retroactive good luck, like a coward who already knows it was a success, and like a schmuck who didn't even know you were having surgery until now, oh well, glad to hear it went well!
@KinkyTurtle @StormyDragon @anthracite Oh, it's fine, it's not like I'm here talking about my life much these days, and frankly I was barely aware of the whole thing myself. It's all a blur. :)
@StormyDragon @KinkyTurtle @anthracite Well, there's the sort of blur that stops at the backs of your eyes, and there's the sort of blur that goes all the way to your cerebellum... *shudder*
I don't like sedatives.